Time is flying by so fast …. Now, it is almost ending the month of November. It’s a while ago I did update this blog… In a few months.. so many things happened, either in my placement of other

Here is some of photos that might give some ideas where I as at….I wish I could have more energy to write more narrative ways, but in the same times pictures can talk too right?

Some works and leasure: Climbing Inerie, Facilitating 4 Pilot Project on Village master plan for COmmunity Based Tourism and Ecoturism, Field Study to Bali, and Jogja with community leaders,

Curlture Festival in Mbay - New district, Collaburative workshop with VSO friends with Alternative Helath Clinic of Naru, Nalo at the Archeological Sites of Gisi Lama, near Matoloko

Labels: some photos